P1 Radio
Episode 4: Future
Read more Social Contagion | March - June, 2020
Episode 3: Heroes
Read more Social Contagion | March - June, 2020
Episode 2: Control
Read more Social Contagion | March - June, 2020
Episode 1: Isolation
Read more Social Contagion | March - June, 2020
Mo & Tineke on 17.09.22 @Radboud, Nijmegen
Read more Feminist Assembly Radio: Mo and Tineke
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A Loud Voice Never Dies

7 JUN 2024 — 1 OCT
First opening, 7 pm
Boergoensevliet 110, 3082 KX Rotterdam

After programming in many locations, we land in a monumental gym designed by city architect van der Steur (1928) in Oud-Charlois, Rotterdam South.

We open here on Friday, June 7 at 7 pm with a group exhibition A Loud Voice Never Dies, the title of a work by Urok Shirhan, one of the participating artists. Also featuring new site- specific work by: Erik Tlaseca, Linus Bonduelle, Niels Matitawaer, Martinus Papilaja, Matt Plezier, Ioanna Mitza, Johan in het Hout and Clause Sluter.

In the coming months, various projects, presentations and subprograms will spread throughout the interior and exterior spaces of the building: Historical research, publications and new works in a growing exhibition.

The first updates can be found on our instagram and will later find their way to this digital platform. --> instagram.com/p1projects.

The project Sportschool is made possible with support of:

The City of Rotterdam, CBK Rotterdam, Stimuleringsfonds, CultuurConcreet, De Wijkraad Oud-Charlois, Postcode Loterij Buurtfonds, Woonstad Rotterdam, Printroom & Oedipus Brewing.